Saturday, June 30, 2012
Police State
Everything in this world consists of Duality....
Cops, Law enforcement, Sheriff, etc, knowingly violate the peoples Constitutional Rights, and actively follow orders that are clearly morally and ethically wrong, following orders without question like a mindless robot, searching and seizing all those who do not conform to a Tyrannical Government, is this not a silent declaration of War?
But in WAR there are no "time outs", Law Enforcement officers play "soldier" for 8 hours a day and then go home. But I pose this question, under the Laws of Duality, if We the People are being raged against, seized and arrested, even killed, would it not be logical to retaliate in the same manner? Who are these officers that so blindly uphold the police state movement? 8 hours a day on task is not much, but leaves 16 hours a day for many opportunities.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The Zombie Agenda
Systematically this agenda is being played out right before everyones eyes.
Synopsis of Goals:
1. Currency
2. Imprisonment
3. Control
4. Food
As you most likely are aware of the current "Zombie" cases and the ever growing cases in FL, this is an analysis of the situation and speculation on what the benefit and purpose is to the "Elite" (Bankers, royal family, vatican, reptilian)
During the summer of 2011, the famous BP oil spill was currently "uncontrollable" and continued for over 70 days creating a disaster in the Gulf.
BP is partnered with Synthetic Genomes, a company that created the Synthetic self replicating microbes that have been released in the gulf to consume methane and the oil composites. These Microbes are known as Synthia, quite possibly the most dangerous synthetic virus we have ever seen. It is designed to eat carbon and so far what it has been doing for over the past year, But what happens when Synthia comes into contact with a living being or human? With the Hurricane and tropical storms blowing the infected waters of the gulf on shore and onto the people who inhabit this region they are becoming infected, there is an incubation period of up to 1 year depending upon the virus and the person. Currently now you can research the rising cases of incurable flesh eating bacteria that is sweeping the south, especially Georgia. Some of the researchers who helped design Synthia were going to blow the whistle on this operation, here is a link to the list of Dead or imprisoned whistleblower's:
So now that we know the objective of the synthetic virus Synthia, it is easy to presume what anyone infected will exhibit flesh eating bacteria lesions, confusion, lethargy, high body temperature and from the Miami cases aggressive behavior, most likely because the host is being consumed and eaten by synthetic microbes that in turn make the host themselves want to consume and eat carbon, after all we human beings are a carbon based life form, creating modern day Zombies.
Part of the agenda is to spread this virus as fast as possible, the structure has already been set with laws like the "Pandemic response act 2028" that state in the event of an outbreak any vaccine that it presented to the public must be taken no exceptions, if the vaccine is refused the refusing party will be brought one of many "holding facilities" this is a way of describing the many FEMA camps that have been built and constructed all over the United States. Fema camps that have several train tracks leading to them, many box cars photographed with shackles and restraints inside.
The vaccine will be constructed of Synthia as well, which poses the ultimatum to the public, take the vaccine, contract the virus or become imprisoned to contract the virus at a later date. As well as a "vaccine" will only generate more currency, which in turn is equal to more time.
Now you may be asking just as I did, what is the point to this plan and its purpose? Well just as many people are becoming more and more aware of our ever changing existence today, the coming Dec 21st 2012, there will be a Paradigm shift in consciousness, resulting in the transition from this 3rd dimension into the 4th. This has also been confirmed by "Novelty theory" and the "Timewave Zero" software.
But if you are partaking to a very reptilian way of life because of the way you have been programmed and condition since birth, by eating meat, using oil & petroleum, receiving your knowledge externally rather then internally, etc, then you most likely are not conscious of this coming change. But the positive is that it is up to you and your free will and how you CHOOSE to exist, but what if we no longer had Free Will? What if we no longer were conscious of our reality or mind? What if you were a zombie? ...and that’s exactly what the Synthia virus will do to us, If we are no longer conscious of our existence then we will miss the coming paradigm shift. We will be prisoners inside of a diseased body as well as prisoners inside of one of many Fema camps.
If you are reading this information from me then you should already be educated on the reptilian occupation that dates back over 100 million years, and controls the wealth of the world, corporations, vatican, etc all through a "Pure" o+ bloodline, we refer to this occupation as the "elite" or "Illuminati" "NWO" there are many different names, but all with the same agenda: 1.Create Currency = Time, 2. Imprisonment, 3. Control And 4. Food. Over 500,000 people go missing alone in the united states per year how many are being consumed? It is known that reptilians are lower vibrational creatures, they enjoy emotions "frequencies" of fear, anger, hate, malice, evil, etc. therefore they would much rather consume people who partake in these emotions, and this Synthia virus will create many "zombies" who do just that
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Nibiru Dream & Paradigm Shift
The Nibiru Dream & the coming Paradigm Shift. This world is not at all what you have been told it is time to wake up, as a community our collective conciousness is telling us the same, listen to it and resist the Reptilian agenda that is assaulting your mind, body and mentality everyday whether you know it or not.
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Milky Way Theory by Brandon Levon
I started this thread yesterday Thread: You better wake up and wake up fast and something was mentioned about the earth spinning the other direction and the sun rising in the west and remembering I had read something like this the other day I began searching and copied this from a forbidden place.
If you have read Brandon’s books, this was not in them.
(The Milky Way Theory)
I have come to believe the Milky Way is actually a whirl wind producing system due to the affects of solar winds. The Milky Way spins clockwise and is best viewed from the southern hemisphere, see link [link to]
Its exact image can be viewed on earth in the form of tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, etc. These storms also spin in the same direction in the southern hemisphere as the Milky Way. See example of how they resemble each other by putting the Hurricane on the left and the Milky Way on the right, viewed side by side.
[link to]
[link to]
Because these solar winds are magnetic in force (see solar winds [link to] ) they carry through to the other side of the earth or hemisphere and are seen to spin the other direction as would be viewed through a glass clock. So this is not confused, imagine a tornado on one side of the earth and a hurricane on the other. If you were viewing from the Milky Way threw the earth if it were glass. They would all be spinning in the same direction. See link [link to]
Now I know many of you will automatically say this is caused by the example in this link (quote) “Coriolis Force, which pulls at the winds. When an area of low pressure forms north of the equator, the winds fly in and are twisted to create a counterclockwise rotation. South of the equator, the opposite takes place, and a clockwise rotation occurs.” But I am saying that the Milky Way is causing the low pressure to form, creating a cause and effect.
A generator or power plant produces power by spinning magnets around certain metals. Depending on the metal that is used the current will be different. (see how a generator works [link to] ) This is just one link to one kind of generator there are many ways to create electricity the possibilities are endless. As the stars (suns) spin around the center of the Milky Way they are all producing solar winds. Which as you seen above is magnetic in nature, and when combined with the different metals it is swallowing it acts as a very large generator. (See affects of black hole [link to] ) or even electric magnet
[link to]
This causes a concentrated force to spin out or draw in one direction. When the earth crosses the path of this force that the Milky Way is producing it causes the dust particles to force the air in the north equator down causing the example above, low pressure. See low pressure system [link to] If the force is great enough it causes tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. A good example of how this works is the Ionic Breeze
[link to] also see example ion [link to]
Now imagine the force being created by the Milky Way being multiplied up to infinity in comparison to the Ionic Breeze. For any of this to even be considered true we would need to ask the question, do these storms have magnetic fields associated with them. See link
[link to] Now imagine yourself to be zillions and zillions of feet tall, so tall the planets were no more than a piece of dust being held into place by the magnetic pull of the sun, see link that says the sun has a magnetic pull [link to]
Although the black hole of the Milky Way is concentrating this force to cause these storms, the solar winds are still radiating in smaller concentrations in a spiral manner outward spinning the planets around the sun in the same direction as the Milky Way due to this Milky Way theory. See direction planets spin around the sun [link to]
Note: this theory has nothing to do with the planets rotations individually and I meant to write northern hemisphere instead of in the north equator.
The charge being exerted could have an effect on lightning as the charge grounds to the earth from both the sun and the Milky Way. The planets would be a ground for these solar wind producing objects.
This is of grave importance because every year that goes by our planets tilt a little more as the Milky Way stays in the same spot. It is said that on Dec 21, 2012 that the tilt of these planets will have progressed to have the earth directly in between the dark rift of the Milky Way and the sun.
If my observations are correct and believe me I hope I am wrong but this will start to spin the earth in odd directions causing enormous catastrophe, as the planets tilt to the other side. The force that the Milky Way is putting out will spin the planets the other direction, which will still be counter clockwise as viewed from the Milky Way but unfortunately for us, totally the opposite of what we are spinning now. This will more than likely throw the planets out of their original positions. Who ever would survive would continue life and slowly repopulate the earth. Approximately (13) thousand years after this tragedy based on the approximate 26,000 year cycle of the zodiac, we would be back at the half way point on the zodiac and the earth would be at the complete opposite of the tilt we are entering and the planets would start to spin back in the direction that they are spinning now.
This would be in the age that the Egyptians felt worth marking, the age in between the Virgin and the Lion, sphinx. This is why I believe Hathor was the representation of the Milky Way and why she is represented with the key of life, it is the ancient symbol of the modern cross, the bottom of which went in between the lion and the virgin and the top is what we now know of as the omega symbol which originally went in between the fish and the water bearer up until the organization that started the Catholic Church and the church itself forced us to forget upon the promise of death.
(Note Dec 21, 2012 will be on a Friday, 13 thousand years after the beginning of the last change; the masons sacred number.) If you have not read the book these links will give you something to start with. The first one is about Hathor and her connection to the mirror and the Milky Way. The other two you should view by putting them next to each other.
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