Saturday, June 30, 2012

Police State

Everything in this world consists of Duality.... Cops, Law enforcement, Sheriff, etc, knowingly violate the peoples Constitutional Rights, and actively follow orders that are clearly morally and ethically wrong, following orders without question like a mindless robot, searching and seizing all those who do not conform to a Tyrannical Government, is this not a silent declaration of War? But in WAR there are no "time outs", Law Enforcement officers play "soldier" for 8 hours a day and then go home. But I pose this question, under the Laws of Duality, if We the People are being raged against, seized and arrested, even killed, would it not be logical to retaliate in the same manner? Who are these officers that so blindly uphold the police state movement? 8 hours a day on task is not much, but leaves 16 hours a day for many opportunities. Chaos

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