Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Aurora,CO Shootings

1. Public place --> Cinema = had standing security at the time of this shooting.

2) Gunman was covered head to toe -> witness cant confirm shooter face
the elites can now put anybody face they want on TV
and say this was the shooter (young friendly but shy neighbor, James holmes was reported to of had a beer with an adult African american male at the bar and didnt seem at all to have mental issue's,
went to college as a very educated man .. he does not exhibit a killers profile.

3) Gunman came from the side exit door : That door is locked for good reasons
that mean someone must have left that door unlock / opened for him, also on scanner radios it was first repoted that he kicked this door in...that is not possible.

4) Movie was The Dark Knight Rises with many conspiracy's surrounding it,
if the elite made that movie for a purpose .. then they surely want something,
someone mass murdering people during the FIRST movie release exactly after midnight
the dark knight rise will be all over the news .. and really feel like a dark knight has risen
surely far away to be a white knight.

5) It would provide an excellent argument to sign the gun law International Arms treaty" that obama will be signing on July 27th. Such mass shooting in a public place where he shot apx 80 people (15 killed - 71 wounded) they say it is the biggest mass shooting event in america history
1 gunman shot approx 80 peoples.

6) Booby trapped apartment ? how convenient
now reporters and cameras needs to be 1 km away from the appartment
they "evacuated" all surrounding building
are they scare we find that it was NOT the gunman
the swat probably needed to create themself the trip wires
and create booby traps .. and then take pictures and show it to the world
it can also serve has a false flag .. release chemical (they say the killer have some)
or a bomb that will destroy the building itself while destroying all proof
that it was not the gunman ..

7) Covered Gunman was emotionless during the entire shooting so nobody could identify him or even recognise the shooters eyes (had a mask)

8) The gunman used typical and regular Military/law enforcement gear:
* .40 glock handgun
* Remington shotgun
* AR15 semi automatic (100 round magazine)

9) Perfect distraction.

10) Name of the city is Aurora "The rising dawn" exact opposite of the dark knight.

Reports are already coming in that he was a Neuroscience major that his school had Darpa funding...
Darpa is associated with HAARP as well as financing "experiments" with MK Ultra, mind control.

How does a 24 year old fly under the social media network?

It is being reported that the gunman has ZERO internet footprints, no facebook, no twitter, nothing...

Not to mention that the DOD (department of defense) has an Intelligence office in the area...
There are a great deal of coincidences in this event that do not add up. Just take a look at the murials on the Denver international airport, they show police brutality, men in gas masks and women holding dead babies, doesnt that sound familiar?

reading over the police scanner posts..

1st reported 2 gunmen
then reported 1 gunman was dead
then reported back to only being one gunman
But they weren't sure.

Then all the sudden it was one gunman again.
That one guy was asking for the NAVY...

He asked for the NAVY while in custody...
He was not in the NAVY.
"holmes" said the NAVY guy needed to be there. He needed to talk to the guy..

Think about that...

(whoever this "NAVY guy" is, he is the contact, the trigger, for this MK Ultra operation.

Also an eyewitness reported that "Holmes" got a phone call just prior to walking outside. Then he came back, tossed the gas and started shooting at the same time the shooting started in the movie, this according to a witness. The timing was perfect. How did he know when the shooting would start?

Then walks outside and waits to be captured by his car?

If he was bent on killing as many as possible, why tell the police about the apartment? Why not engage in combat with the police?

in Conclusion:
Step 1 - James Holmes is a manchurian candidate, triggered by an MK Ultra operation.
Step 2 - as holmes steps out of the theater to use his phone, he speaks with the "NAVY guy" and is drugged.
Step 3 - an experienced shooter steps in the theater in typical SWAT fashion and typical SWAT weaponry throws the gas and starts shooting.
Step 4 - the shadow shooter disappears 9 but is ID by eyewitness's as having red hair like the joker) and James holmes is placed in his car, where police "arrest" him, and the media begins filming, because just like with "jared loughner" we have yet to see any actual video proof of James Holmes at the seen.
Step 5 - this event ripples through the media manipulating the minds and views of the masses, serving many purposes to the ELITE.

Similar thing happened in Australia in Port Arthur in 1996.

20 peole were killed by a similar "mentally deranged" individual called Martyn Bryant.

The irregularities with this events and witness testimonies that were not ever included in major media reports or even court.

Some of the irregularites -

Witnesses saw more than one gunman.
the shooter fired from the hip gettin a 95% head shot accuracy....WTF?

the shooter was firing with the opposite hand that Martyn Bryant uses.

Martyn Bryant had minimal fire arms experience

Martin Bryant, an intellectually impaired registered invalid with no training in the use of high powered assault weapons, could not under any circumstances have achieved or maintained the incredibly high and consistent killed-to-injured ratio and kill-rate which were bench marks of the port Arthur massacre. Whoever was on the trigger that fateful day demonstrated professional skills equal to some of the best special forces shooters in the world, His critical error lay in killing too many people too quickly while injuring far too few, thereby exposing himself for what he was: a highly trained combat shooter probably ranked among the top twenty such specialists in the western world.

The records show that a total of 32 people were shot in the Broad Arrow Cafe, so at best we would expect 4 dead and 28 injured, or at worst 6 dead and 26 injured. These are very reliable military figures based on hard science, but the actual figures in the Broad Arrow Cafe were 20 dead and 12 injured - an incredible inverted ratio of 1.66 to 1, or nearly two dead for every one injured.

The fact this American "Dark Knight" shooting happened in the cinema helps TPTB as the identify can be easily hidden in the darkness of the cinema itself.

In the Australian instance, the laws banning semi automatic firearms such as the AR-15 were already written waiting to be put into effect.......Port Arthur Massacre was instrumental in disarming the people from there rights to guns that defend themselves from tyrannical governments.

The Following below is a posting written by an Above Top Secret member prior to the shootings.

Blood Sacrifice by 13 Zodiac written on July 9/2012

1) Many members here on ATS, theorise conspiracies in movies.Implying inside Hollywood knowledge.What I am going to expose here is something in plain sight.Something that has not been put forward by anyone else,it is right in front of you all, yet none of you see it.
My background in relation to this thread,is my background as a decipher of occult language and symbology.I have been asked on many occassions to teach in Universities on this subject and theology and have on occassion advised religous leaders and politicians.Many of you may scoff and even find gramma error's here and call bunk.However I will say this,while English is my first and given language.It is poor,the reason for this is I see language differently to you.Kind of the way a dislexic would see words,although I do not have dislexia.I kind of see language and symbols the way a sevant see's music.

2)The subject of this thread is the coming release of the film Dark Knight Rises,the latest installment of the Batman saga.The first thing I need to make clear is your understanding of the darkside of occult language.Here everything is reversed,good is evil,evil is good,dark is light and so on.

3)Now before I introduce the central character to this thread and no it is not Batman,I need you to take a look at the title of this film. Dark Knight, which the reversal of the heroic White Knight on a white horse comming to save a maiden.Secondly Batman a Knight??? An American with a Knighthood ??? Dark Knight is a very recent adaptation to the Batman character. Knight in this referance is to the Knight's Templar and they never were the romantic White Knight's in shining armour as they have been depicted.Nothing more than mercenary butchers.

4)Now to the central character of who'm this thread is centalized.It is Morgan Freeman's character.Just keep this in mind.Morgan Freeman has played the role of God. A black God,I am not saying this from a racist point of view.I am pointing out the reversal. A dark God

So now let's take a look at Freemans character. Lucis Fox
Lucis = Lucifer See Lucis Trust below
F = 6
O = 15 = 1+5 = 6
X = 24 = 2+4 = 6
= 666

Lucis Fox = Lucifer 666, this is no coincidence or accident.Why? Someone with knowledge has gone to alot of trouble.

So is Lucifer Rising????

This film is due to premier on the 19th of this month in the Southern Hemisphere and on the 20th in the North.
Is there an event comming 24hrs eitherside of this date with time zones.

Lucis Trust is a NGO with a permanent seat a the U.N and it's central office is N.Y's Wall St. 2FLucis_Trust.htm&ei=f3v7T7iOJ7CViAey9NX1Bg&usg=AFQjCNHMmlSrZ4D04kW1LP1py6CP8GMEdQ

Alice Ann Bailey, a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, formed the Lucifer Publising Company in 1920. 1922 saw the organization's name changed to Lucis Trust though the advancement of the Luciferian beliefs remained true. Beliefs that in Blavatsky's words: "oppose the materialism of science and every dogmatic theology, especially the Christian, which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious."

Lucis Trust promulgates the work of an "Ascended Master" who was working 'through' Alice Bailey for some 30 years. The Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their many fronts and organizations worship an "Externalized Hierarchy" of "Ascended Masters," who carry out the work of a Luciferian "master plan" for the establishment of a permanent "Age of Aquarius" ruled by one "Sanat Kumara", the "Lord of the World."

Lucis Trust is a powerful institution that enjoys "Consultative Status" with the United Nations, which permits it to have a close working relationship with the U.N., including a seat on the weekly sessions, but most importantly, influence with powerful business and national leaders throughout the world.

Through its founding of World Goodwill, Lucis Trust is "aggressively involved in promoting a globalist ideology": NEW WORLD ORDER

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